Monday, November 26, 2007

Ever had one of those days

when it seems like a hundred different little things happen that cause temporary irritation but all add up to a dumb day. No worries - nothing tragic... just stuff that I really ought to ignore and laugh about...

Like why, when I have all morning long to get ready for an 11 a.m. appointment, are we 5 minutes late? Why did that pink lotion fly out of my hand and land on Hannah's nice bedspread? Why did I run out of mailing labels when I only needed to print 3 more sheets? Why are we out of cds when I really just wanted to burn the new Josh Groban cd NOEL, so I can share it with y'all on my blog tunes (just wait until tomorrow and I'll put it up)? Why did I miss the last USPS pickup by 30 seconds (yes - 30 seconds!!!) when I scrambled and hurried for over an hour to get 4 packages off? Why in the world are postal employees so rude to me every time I go there? Why did USPS charge me 3 times for 1 transaction? Why must kids fight over the silliest of things? Why can't my maternity pants ever stay on (Jimmy doesn't think it a good sign when I'm aggravated at inanimate objects)? Why don't my hips work?

ok, ok... Yesterday we had an optimism lesson in YW and it really was something I needed. It reminded me that complaining really helps nothing and just causes us more misery in the long run. But temporary emotional release of feelings is okay I suppose (perhaps just not on a public blog!). And I know I could write a list longer than my whinings on things that actually went okay today. Moving onward...

I suppose the thing to be grateful for is that every day is not as irritating as today was. And now Josh Groban is reminding me that 'there is so much to be thankful for.' Ahhh, after a day of irritation, his tunes mellow my heart a wee bit. I think some oreos will help too. (and in all fairness to my day, I must acknowledge my valiant husband who covered dinner duty and listened through my tears about my emotional irritations.)

"Courage brethren and on, onto the victory."


Janey said...

hee hee amen heathy! love you :)

Alison said...

Wow! Sounds like you did have a crazy day! One that would bring me to tears too. Best of luck for a better day today! (And I can add my testimonial that Oreos help immensely!)

Jan said...

I have "one of those days" every day. I went to make spaghetti yesterday thinking I had all the ingredients, only to realize after the sauce was made that I only had enough spaghetti noodles for one person.

Lexie said...

Heather, I just wanted to wish you luck on your c-section! I have had 5 and the last is fresh in my mind :). I hope you have a speedy recovery and a healthy babe. Thank you for the inspiration your blog gives me as a mom. That is why I keep coming back for more.

Lexie (Andrea Davis' sister :)

Steph and Eric said...

oh heath. what a day!!! i love how you can't keep those maternity pants up. i can't keep my maternity pants up either. the only difference is that you are pregnant and i am NOT . . . but am still wearing those silly maternity pants because nothing fits (including the jeans that I somehow fit into last week but then washed and don't fit into this week). And I'd have to disagree with Jimmy, as silly as it is, i think you should be able to get angry with inanimate objects because they won't tell you in 20 years how you destroyed their lives because you couldn't control your temper. I hope you have many a good day since this one. love you friend. courage! courage! courage!