Tuesday, May 29, 2007


For Memorial Day weekend we headed 8 hours north to Nauvoo to visit my parents. Abe celebrated his third birthday on Saturday. He enjoyed his new train stuff, new cars, and his lightning McQueen cupcake. We got the kids goggles so they can enjoy the Lightning McQueen slip-n-slide. We'll see how that goes later today. The kids had so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa and doing some Pioneer activities and seeing the shows. Hannah thought the oxen were quite stinky but Abe didn't seem to mind. If you ever go to Nauvoo, be sure to pack some long pants and tennis shoes and bug spray for evening events. This gal brought flip-flops and capris...not my best decision. On Sunday we headed to Carthage for a quick visit. Learning more about the pioneers makes me extra grateful for all the blessings and luxuries we have. We love seeing mom and dad and their lovely home. Mom made some scrumptious pork bbq. Yum!!! Now - off to unpack and tidy house!


Alison said...

Heath, What a fun Memorial Day weekend. It looks like you had a great time. I love to see pictures of your mom and dad, I haven't seen them in such a long time! And your cute kids! I love that Hannah was plugging her nose by the oxen. You are such a cute family. We had those same Lightening McQueen cupcakes for Porter's birthday on Sunday! I'm glad you had a nice time! Thanks for posting the pictures!

Amy D. said...

Love seeing Nauvoo, Carthage, Mom and Dad and your darling family. So glad you got to go! p.s. Hannah is a very cute pioneer gal.