Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Mormons

So, even though I can't put my thoughts into words very effectively about some subjects, here's my 2 cents about the PBS Special - the Mormons. I watched less than half but overall was disappointed in their misrepresentation of my religion. I wasn't surprised considering that it was PBS but I was hopeful that it would be accurate. I read on a scrapbookers forum that some non-LDS gals wanted to learn about the LDS faith from an unbiased view... they don't want to learn about our religion from the Mormons but they want to supposedly see and learn as it 'really' is - but why would you want to learn about a church from people who are opposed to that church. So Jimmy and I were discussing the difference between an unbiased opinion and TRUTH. I'll leave that blog for him to write as he will do it better justice than I would.

I just felt that in the PBS special, there were irrate people who had been excommunicated who misrepresented us. There were non-LDS people who said things that weren't true. I'm not sure why so many are rude about Mormons when really we, as LDS people, really just show respect to those of others religions and don't try to criticize their beliefs. But the very best part about the special was when I heard Elder Dallin H. Oaks voice- and I knew the doctrines and principles of the gospel would be accurately presented. Janey connected me with Interviews from the PBS Special. Jeffrey R. Holland, Marlin Jensen, and Gordon B. Hinckley clearly represent who we are as a people and what we believe. I wish they would have had a more visible part in the special. So there is my long 2 cents and perhaps someday I'll be able to put into words what I think about intense topics. In conclusion:
"This spiritual confirmation by the power of the Holy Ghost is given on the Lord's conditions to anyone who is willing to ask in faith, believing that an answer can come by that power. It starts by listening to the voice of the Lord, His servants, His prophets and apostles, and it continues by giving heed to their words. Spiritual knowledge of the Restoration is a matter of faith." (Charles Didier, "Man's Search for Divine Truth," Ensign, Nov. 2005, 49)


Janey said...

Good Job Heathy! I agree!

abby's photo shoppe said...

Well said Heather. I haven't watched it yet (it's recorded) but it is good to hear what you have to say. I wish that if people wanted to know what our religion was about they would just go to our church and find out for themselves. There is really no better way.
On another note, I love your blog and feel connected to home when I read about your daily adventures. You are just as pretty as you were in high school and haven't changed a bit. Have a good day!

Amy D. said...

Well, that's too bad. I haven't seen it yet. I thought I first saw the announcement for it on the newsroom, so I was hopeful that it would be encouraging.

Jan said...

I watched about half of the special also, I wasn't super impressed either.

{B}dreamy said...

You know what, we were just discussing this at book club last night. Everyone said that the first half was worse than the last... maybe you should have seen all of it.

Anyway, the director has been given a whole bunch of grief for being too positive of the documentary! Apparently, she had taken it to PBS before and they wouldn't take it as is, so she had to cut more good stuff out.

The thing is, if it was any more positive, and if there were any more LDS people on there, no one would have listened to it. If it makes for good conversation and good potential questions and answering sessions, then I think it was good.