Thursday, May 10, 2007

Made-up Words

One thing I really love doing is making up words. When I was in the 4th grade and Sally Meyers and I were doing a worksheet on the Hawaiian islands, I was certain that 'Irma' was one of the Hawaiian Islands. Yep, we got it wrong. But then that became one of my nicknames. Today the word I made up to fit my last post was 'smathering'. I figured I better look it up before I actually used it in a sentence. Um yeah - it isn't a word. The other day I was telling Jimmy about 'Chonking'. He assured me it wasn't a word. Alison can back me up on that one - eh Ali! And the best made-up word is "reherrrr-reherrr" (easier said than spelled) that pretty much works when you can't remember the name of the kitchen gadget you are looking for. Have you seen the 'reherrr-reherr?' At first your husband will be utterly confused but after a few years will know what you're asking for. It really makes life interesting (though probably annoying for Jimmy)!!


Carol said...

Love the made-up words! They just seem to suit the situation, don't they? Our newest is to say to the kids, "Don't obnoxsh" meaning "Don't be obnoxious." Shane made that one up. And you gotta love the "Bong" language, no? It's got a personality of its own. And "chonking!" That was so funny, Heather!

Andrea said...

That is great! I think people who think up words like that must be creative! I loved all your words.

Whenever there is something I think is a word, that isn't, I tend to find it's just something I picked up as a valley girl in Idaho. . . :)This isn't really a made-up word, but I always say I'm going to un-thaw something. Then I realize, duh, it's just thaw! You don't un-thaw food.

elizabeth said...

I really like smathering. It really should be a word. Maybe we can post them in wikipedia and then people willl really believe they are words.

Alison said...

I still say chonking! (sorry Jimmy!) :) It was fun to read where you got your nickname Irma! That is too funny. I guess it kind of sounds Hawaaiin... :) And like Andrea, I totally say unthaw. I didn't know it wasn't a word, but now that I think of it it makes sense. Oh the things you can learn on a blog!