Monday, May 07, 2007

Just for laughs

Tonight I helped mow the lawn. Hannah was getting ready to go on a safari to search for animals (she really said that!), and since Jimmy's back is still hurting, I rediscovered within me my lawn mowing skills. Back in 1991 I was the lawn mower at the Price home and as you can see, I was sporting a sa-weet outfit and hairdo. Yes, I made those shorts and the headband. Did I really think I was going to impress neighbor Matt Burt or any other boy in the neighborhood by attempting to be semi-stylish in an Idaho-girl-Heather-sort-of-way? It really makes me chuckle at myself. But I was great at mowing splendid patterns in our lawn.So this is today. I wasn't going for style. I just put on my holey work pants and the only work boots I own and tried not to run over the kiddos playing football. My hands aren't as callused as they once were and I had one slight blister. I know - no whining allowed. But it makes me grateful for all the hard work Jimmy does to keep our yard looking nice (especially without a self-propelled lawn mower.) But as you can see, if it weren't for crab grass and weeds our lawn wouldn't need much mowing.


Alison said...

Heath, I love the polka dot shorts! Those made me laugh. Good old Mrs. Blake (did you make them after our Teen-living class?) I think I had a matching head band didn't I? I'm sure Matt Burt was totally impressed. And way to go mowing your lawn today! I just have to say I love your boots. You are so cute!

Amy D. said...

You are a good worker, Heath! Totally cute photo from the past, but what I really like is your yard working boots!

Janey said...

Heather, that's hilarious. I remember the day i received those as hand-me-downs. I was thrilled. I think i wore them to school....AWK-WARD~

Jolene said...

I love the polka dot and stripes together. You were totally starting a fashion trend. Way to help out with the lawn.

Carol said...

The photo made me smile, but what you said about it totally made me smile. You are so cute. Way to go doing yard work Heath!

Jan said...

Reminds me of my day's as the Mackay family lawn mower. I'm sure I looked just as styling.

Jan said...

Reminds me of my day's as the Mackay family lawn mower. I'm sure I looked just as styling as you.

Mary said...

White shoes and lawn mowing . . . good thinking! You really were very cool though. I was totally wanting to be you.