Monday, May 07, 2007

Horses, Auto Service, Kiddos

Here are the weekend happenings of our little fam. Friday night we had a Subway sandwich picnic at the park. This park is by a horse arena where they do all sorts of fancy horse jumping (I'm sure there's a fancy Equestrian term for it). So we sauntered over to watch some of the horses and riders. The kids thought it was cool. They didn't dare pet the horses, but Abe was adventurous enough to sort of pet a dog. After washing up, we headed to FedEx to watch a basketball game in a conference room since we only have antennae and alas no ESPN at our house.

Saturday...Three or 4 hours of waiting at the car repair shop and $453 later, Jimmy returned home with a transmission service and new brake pads on the Van. If you have to spend so much keeping your car in good repair, you have no more $$ to drive it anywhere. The rest of the day was spent in/driving around town to get to Stake conference meetings.

Sunday... we had our first Stake Conference Broadcast from Salt Lake. It included 41 stakes from Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia. President Hinckley spoke and he thanked everyone for all their prayers in his behalf as he is now an old, old man. We sure love him! And last night, we went on a Sunday drive to see some pretty mansions and beautiful wooded roads. Abe is definitely a one-of-a-kind kiddo. I'm not sure what else to say about him - other than he is pretty funny. Today he was singing 'I love to see the temple' at lunchtime. The only way we knew is he ended with 'duty' loud and clear. Hannah loves popsicles these days and playing and pretending outside. Our babysitter commented that Hannah sure has a lot to say. Both our kids weigh 37 lbs and Hannah is 41 inches, which is 2 inches taller than Abe. There's the stats for the month. :)

1 comment:

Amy D. said...

Cute photo page! Could I do that if I had photoshop? Picasa is a nice little program and does get the red-eye out and makes nice b/w or sepia versions of our photos, but I know there is more (is this an example of "you get what you pay for?")! Enough of that--excellent conference report and love the same weight of your kids, 37 lbs a'piece--cool.