Monday, April 16, 2007


I got back last night from a quick trip to Utah. I thoroughly enjoyed the quiet time on the airplane. A man asked if I would be up for chatting or if I wanted quiet, and I really just had to say I was looking forward to alone quiet time. Is that rude? It was so wonderful to see Grandma Beck for her 90th Birthday celebration. She was lovely, gracious, and sweet as always. Mom and dad succeeded at planning and executing a grand party. There were 90 people to celebrate the 90th Birthday. All of Grandma's living children were there and family came from Idaho, California, Utah, Tennessee, Illinois, Virginia, and Texas to attend. These are the family pages that we had bound into an 8x8 book through Shutterfly.

I loved seeing all the older folks at the Seville. I told one lady that I was visiting my grandmother and she said, "Ohhhh, isn't that so nice to have a grandmother." There was something sweet about so many there with their lovely spirits. I loved seeing Temple Square with Janey and Mom and Dad. The tulips brought cheer and there is always a happy feeling there. I am soooo grateful I could go to Utah to see my family and celebrate Grandma's birthday!


Jolene said...

I looks like everyone had fun. And how fun to be together with your family.

Andrea said...

The book looks WONDERFUL! What a special gift. That is so nice you were able to be there to help celebrate and spend time with family.

Amy D. said...

Ok, this trip was worth it just for the awesome photos! Perfect collage, Heath. You look so great. I love all the photos!! Glad you got to go.