Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Rising Star Award

Jimmy doesn't get recognized as often as he ought to by me or FedEx for his exemplary efforts as husband/father and marketing analyst. But this past month he received 2 awards from FedEx. He works so hard at FedEx and at HOME being so willing to endure getting up early, doing dishes, helping sick kids, cleaning messes, energetic kiddos, an emotional photo-takin' scrappin' maniac as a wife, etc, etc. Congrats my Love on awards well-earned! We love you!


Mary said...

Good work Jimmy! Keep it up.

Jolene said...

Congratulations! Quite exciting achievements. Good job.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's awesome, Jimmy! Good job.

Shari said...

Congratulations! Great page too Heather! Ü