Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Just another crazy day!

Hannah's play group was at our house. The girls wanted to play outside in the jungle backyard and half of them ended up getting a wee bit dirty. Abe complained most of the time about wet shoes and then found some of those mini purple flowers which he handed to the girls. I printed out some pictures that I'd taken at other play days and the girls put together a little scrapbook page. It was way too funny to watch 3 & 4 year olds try to keep everything on an 8.5 x 11 page without it hanging off the edge. Tonight we have a cold front moving in which means thunderstorms & TORNADO warnings. Sleep sweetly (because I sure won't)!


Alison said...

What a cute picture! Nice job getting them all to sit still and look at the camera. Cute that Abe gave them purple flowers. What a little gentleman. And great job having them scrapbook. What a great mom/friends' mom you are! Good luck with the tornadoes! Hope there aren't any!

Carol said...

Darling photo! You have a talent for taking cute photos and then scrapbooking them so they are even cuter!

Shari said...

You did a GREAT job getting a pic of that many little ones together! Aren't you glad that we didn't get as bad of weather as they were predicting? I hate those nasty spring storms!