Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Fairy & Football player

Hannah: After playgroup I discovered that Hannah had been transformed into Elina - a glorious fairy. Our house was transformed into Fairytopia Land. And according to Elina "playrooms do not exist in Fairytopia. In Fairytopia they have mysterious and beautiful playrooms." (Said in a dramatic voice). Elina played all afternoon with her sisters Rainbow and Sunshine. Elina made sure they had some playdough, a spot at the table to eat, a pillow to sleep on, and most importantly that Abe did not destroy the sister fairies.

Abraham: I used to hold my arms out wide and Abe would run into them and give me a nice Abe hug. Today when I did that, he came running and acted like a football player on the defensive line. Tackle mommy? I don't think so little boy! Where did my gentle Abraham go? His sweet side does appear occasionally. At about 5 p.m., it was rather quiet and as all mothers of toddlers know, quiet either means trouble is brewing or they are tucked snug in their beds. I found Abe like this snoozing on the couch...no movies...no books...just taking a nap with his favorite blankie.Hannah: Hannah was putting away her laundry and said something like, "Oh Mommy Beast." I told her it wasn't the nicest thing to call me a beast. She said, "then why does Grandpa call you that?" And then it occurred to me that Hannah has heard Grandpa Price call me "Heather B's" which it a break-off by Grandpa Nelson of my childhood 'Heather Bear' nickname. I explained it was like bumble BEES and not Beast. Pretty funny one Hannah, pretty funny!


Amy D. said...

Well, these are all classics! Love Abe's legs crossed. And Hannah's imagination is amazing. Great highlights, Heath!

{B}dreamy said...

It's true, kids say or do the darndest things! Looks like you had a fun holiday, too! Happy Belated Easter!

Alison said...

What cute kids! Hannah is too cute with being Elina and having imaginary friends. My kids never do that, probably because they're so close in age they never have to imagine anyone to play with, I don't know if that's good or bad... hmmm.... And I love Abe's crossed legs and his basketball blankie. I love it when the kids are quiet because they fall asleep not because they're into something, but then again it seems to make them not so tired for bedtime! Cute post Heath! I'll be thinking of you in Utah with your family. Have a great time!