Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Today is Spring!

Hannah really wanted to make a necklace out of FruitLoops and Cheerios to celebrate this first day of Spring. Abe was not as eager to string the cereal - rather, he ate it.
Hannah's musings: "What if I never find someone to love? If I don't find someone to love then I will be a ballerina teacher. If I do find someone to love, then I will have babies. I love babies. They are so cute? When are you going to have a baby in your tummy mommy?"

Wow - a pretty little yellow flower. DISCOVERY!

Hannah pumping and swinging and pumping and swinging. Abe twisting and turning and doing the belly-swing.


Jolene said...

Cute. It looks like Hanna is always looking for things to celebrate. What a happy girl.

Amy D. said...

I love when kids say what they are thinking (like about love and babies!). Sa-weet.

Anonymous said...

Dear Heather,
I love to come to your website and see what you have. I love how creative Hannah is,she is just like you. I love how energetic Abe is,he is just like Jimmy. I love you. BYE!!