Saturday, March 03, 2007

Grandpa Beck is Grandpa's funeral. Most of us are sad we weren't able to be there to support Grandma and give her a big hug. Thankyou to Carol and Mary who were able to represent our fam. Here's a link to Grandpa Milt's Obituary. I'd like to share what I admire about Grandpa Beck. Grandpa always liked to be busy working with one project or another. He was a good example of 'Putting your shoulder to the wheel'. I admire Grandma and Grandpa for serving 3 missions. What hard work but also an adventure to go to India, England, and Australia. I bet Grandpa is glad to be able to get back to work spreading the gospel with vigor in the spirit world. Grandpa Milt was always a distinguished looking gentleman and he and Grandma made a handsome couple with their silver hair. We love Grandpa for all the goodness in his heart.


Alison said...

What a great tribute to a grandfather. I'm sure he would be happy to read this.

Jolene said...

What great memories of your grandpa. And three missions! WOW. What a great example of service and sharing the gospel.