Saturday, February 24, 2007

the "why?" conversation

I always say to Jimmy when I've run out of energy..."A mother's work is never done." And isn't that the truth. Tonight our floor really needed mopping and it needed to be vacuumed first. So I asked Hannah to vacuum while I was making dinner. Conversation with Hannah:

Mom: Hannah will you please vacuum the floor.
Hannah: I don't want to vacuum the floor.
Mom: Sometimes we have to do things we don't want to do. I don't want to make dinner tonight, but I am going to. Please vacuum the dining room.
Hannah: But I don't want to.
Mom: If you don't vacuum the floor, you won't be able to eat dinner until your job is done. Eating dinner is a privilege and if you don't do you chore you will lose that privilege.
Hannah: Eating dinner isn't a privilege.
Mom: Oh, my dear... it is!
Hannah: Ok - I'll vacuum.

The end. And she vacuumed happily. Thank you Hannah!

After dinner I decided to mop and this was the conversation I had with Abe.
abe: what doing?
mom: i'm going to mop the floor
abe: why?
mom: because the floor is dirty and i need to clean it
abe: why?
mom: because we keep spilling things on it so I'm going to mop it.
abe: why?
mom: because it's dirty.
abe: why?
The End... Too funny Abe. He is just figuring out questions and it really is funny.

Does anyone have a mop that they love? Just as I got starting mopping, the mop totally broke so I decided to go with the old-fashioned scrub on hands and knees technique. I have a hard time finding a mop that really works well and is easy to squeeze out.

Off to watch I.Q. with Jimmy. I think we might be safe from the storms tonight. It is 9 p.m. and the tornado watch should be ending. Phew! The calm after the storm.


Amy D. said...

Great synopsis of a mother's interactions with her little ones. The work is never done, it's true! Some of it we will just have to do later!

Mary said...

Way to make dinner Heather! I'm glad to hear that Hannah can vacuum. I need to give my kids more chores. Glad you are safe.

Jolene said...

When they are done helping you clean, can you send them my way. :)
If you find a good mop let me know. Mine is broken too, but even when it wasn't I usually end up using the old hands and knees technique.