Friday, February 23, 2007

Hair Cut!

Sometime last fall I cut Hannah's hair. We were tired of it hanging in her food and being in her face. But as I tried to get all sides the same length, it seemed to get shorter and shorter and shorter. So finally today I decided it would be a good idea to take her to a real stylist to fix it. I figure if we get a good cut now, it can grow out and hopefully look even. Hannah had fun and did a good job holding still. And Abe was fine once we explained he didn't have to get his hair cut. He ate some fruit snacks and was a good boy. Hannah's hair doesn't look much different but it is blended better. She wondered if her little friend Marissa would even recognize her. Kids are so funny. Tonight Jimmy and I have a date planned. The BYU baseball players are here for a tournament so they are presenting a fireside. Hurray for couple time!


Amy D. said...

Ooh, love the sound of that date. That will be a neat one. Will they have to play ball in the severe weekend weather? Might as well come to Rexburg!

Very nice haircut, Hannah. I bet the stylist loved cutting her hair! Fun Friday for you guys...

Mary said...

Yeah for date night!!! Hannah is such a cute gal. I would love hair as silky as hers. Looks like it lays very nice. Good job!

Jolene said...

Hannah looks so cute in the first picture. Such a grown up pose and trying to sit still. It looks like it was all worth it. Cute hair.
Have fun on your date. And cheers for couple time!!!

Alison said...

How cute. Hannah looks so grown up. She is such a little doll. And Abe looks grown up too, eating his fruit snacks. What cute kiddos. Love ya!

Andrea said...

I love Hannah's new do. So cute. You're kids look so sweet.